Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Breastfeeding, Formula and Pumping…the story of feeding SJP

Breast feeding is hard, emotionally and physically. I knew for the moment I found out I was pregnant that I was going to breast feed for at least 8 month. I read all about ways to establish good milk supply, how to pump and save it so baby won’t ever have to have formula. I bought storage bags, and a pump. I had this dream that she would never have to have formula.

Then SJP came and she latched so well, but cried for 2 weeks straight. She was a tiny bit tongue tied, but it didn’t affect her feedings and latching. But after 2 weeks of nonstop crying and 1 ½ hour nursing sessions I called a lactation consultant.  Babies who are breast feed lose 10% of their birth weight, but gain it back in 2 weeks. SJP wasn’t even close to birth weight… she lost 12% of her birth weight and stayed there…I was starving my baby girl on accident. I was only making ½ an oz. total, on both sides. I was devastated!! But how do you know that you are not making enough? I did everything they told me to do and I was failing!! I cried a lot in those first 2 weeks. I cried a lot after those first 2 weeks.

 I met with my lactation consultant 3 times a week for 4 more weeks. I started supplementing with 2 oz. of formula after every feeding and pumping after every feeding. I started taking 3 Fenugreek pills 3 times a day and took a prescription that was supposed to increase supply. After a month SJP was finally at her birth weight!! But still… 6 weeks later I was up to an oz. total. I was still devastated, they tell you it will be so easy, your body makes what baby needs, but it’s not always true.  I was still meeting with my lactation coach once a week and meeting with a breast feeding support group. The women in my group were amazing. Most have issues with over supply (I was jealous) some have problems with baby not taking a bottle when they go back to work and some the baby just won’t take the boob.

So here I am 10 weeks after the amazing birth of SJP and I still don’t make enough breast milk to feed her just off of me. Has it gone up? Yes…but with A LOT of work. I take 2 oz. of Goats Rue 3 times per day, 3 pills of Fenugreek 3 times per day and Reglan for 5 days once a month. I still feed her from me (I finally make around 1 ½ to 2 oz. on both sides combined) then I give her 2 oz. of formula (or the little bit of milk I manage to pump a day (around3 ½ oz./day) and I pump. This is EVERY feeding, every 2-3 hours during the day. I will never get to freeze breast milk, or save up for “date nights” there are weeks we still struggle with weight, and I cry when I am told she only gained 2 oz. or that that week she gained 12 oz.  Could I give up and just feed her formula? Yes. But I refuse to give up.

I love that I get to feed SJP, then the Hubs gets to feed her as well. We both get that bonding time with her. We are lucky that she has taken both the breast and the bottle from 2 weeks. It is nice that if I am in a hurry or somewhere where I can’t breast feed I can give a bottle and not feel bad.

So when you ask if I breast feed and I say “yes, but that I have to supplement”. Don’t give me a hard time, don’t tell me to quit, don’t tell me to drink more water, don’t tell me to eat more calories, don’t tell me I am too timid, don’t tell me that I am not trying hard enough! I do more for these little girls eating then people who only breastfeed and people who exclusively pump and people who only feed formula COMBINED!  

Keep in mind that breastfeeding does not come naturally for everybody. If you have issues get with a lactation consultant or your doctor. If you think that there is something wrong, ask!

UPDATE: 2/10/14 
SJP is currently 5 1/2 months old, and I must admit...it never got easier. I still breastfeed, formula feed and pump. Sadly my supply has gotten worse over the last few weeks. SJP has decided that rice cereal, prunes and the bottle are less work than breast feeding and is slowly weaning herself. I am trying to make it to just past 6 months with her, but I think this May be our last week. 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Maternity leave

I guess that when I decided to take maternity leave...I took it from my blog as well. I promise to get back to it when i go back to work in a week!

Love and Hope,

Saturday, August 10, 2013

July BirchBox

July Birchbox Review

Jouer Luminizing Moisture Tint

I don't usually use mositurizer since my face is oily all on its own. this was definitely not my favorite product and would not use it again

Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin Cream

I have used this product a few times...but i have not noticed a difference in my skin. would i buy it? no, but i am glad i got to try it!

theBalm® cosmetics InStain® Long-Wearing Powder Staining Blush

I NEVER wear blush... with that being said, i actually really liked this! the color was great, the package is cute and it wasn't too dark.

Beauty Protector Protect & Shampoo and Condition

LOVE this set! my hair felt great after. i am really sad that i could only try once since the bottles were small!
(long hair, don't care)

If you are interested in tying Birchbox, please use this http://birch.ly/16YbQRv so that i will get a credit for referring a friend!!

Love and Hope,

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

34 and 37 weeks

34 and 37 week pictures...we are getting close!!

Love and Hope,

Saturday, August 3, 2013

DIY nursing bra

Nursing bras are expensive! everyone said i should make sure i have a few for the hospital, so off to Target the Hubs and I went...I bought 1 at $20, saw how it was made and said "I can do that"!!

I went to Wal-Mart and found these cute sports bras that were 2 for $7.49. they have a little plastic loop that holds the strap to the bra. this made everything a million times faster.

I cut the loop, hand sewed a hook and eye and off i went...
all you need: thread, hook & eye, needle and the bra

take off the plastic loop (or cut the strap if yours doesn't have the plastic loop)

sew the hook on one side
sew the eye on the other side

they attach really easily

Final product

this was the second color i got

I am really happy with the results! i wore one the other day to make sure that the hook and eye wouldn't come undone and i didn't have any problems!!

Love and Hope,

Friday, July 5, 2013

4th of July

the grub


shoes that my little sister made for her best friend

lighting a sparkler

the hubs and his fireworks


the Hubs and I on our last 4th of July without SJP

roman candles

Love and Hope,

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"She's about to POP" Baby shower

My beautiful little sisters threw me a beautiful baby shower this last weekend. I was exactly 32 weeks pregnant and so excited to see my family and friends. Both men and women were invited. 

It started at 2pm the guys were instructed to bring a pack of Huggies and my sisters would provide the Chuggies. They spent the afternoon in the pool drinking beer and trying to out back flip each other on the diving board. 

The women were instructed to bring a gift and my sisters would provide the games. The girls spent the first few hours eating the wonderful "POP" themed snacks pictured below, designing onsies that i got to keep, played measure my belly, having a blind baby food tasting and opening the wonderful gifts that everyone got for SJP.
Kelsey, me and Erin
My beautiful little sisters
Kelsey and I
the sign on the front door
"Morgen's about to POP, come on in, no need to stop!!!!"
When you walked in the door there were bracelets that each woman received as a party favor

the onsies that everyone decorated for SJP and pictures of me as a baby
the dining room area

all of the guests put foot prints and signed their names


my favorite gift, a onsie that says "Watch your language asshole, I'm a baby"

The baby shower was more than i could ever ask for, and i was SO greatful for my sisters, family and friends that were there to support me!

Love and Hope,